Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

W SEDI... tp jg seneng :)

Ok blog... w mo crita klo hr in w seneeeeeng bngt :)
Soal'a akhr'a laptop w d pasang inet jg. Jd w bsa ol spuas'a tnp prlu mkirin soal plsa YEY XD

Tp w jga sedi...
Trus.... coba lo pada baca ini de..

I think Izaya's broken. I doubt a tragic past had caused that though, since he says himself that his parents are normal. Or maybe because they're too busy at work that they didn't have much time for him? He got used to playing alone... and playing his own games. He doesn't know how to make friends so he spent his time observing and studying people. Whether my assumptions of his past are close to what really happened to him or not, I think it's still safe to conclude that he's lonely.

He lacks attention.... so he wants everyone's attention. He wants to love everyone.... but he doesn't know how to do it, thus making him express that love in a strange way. He has this idea that loving is claiming.... so he thinks that humanity is his and he can do anything with them since he owns them. And it appears that he likes the idea of reciprocal love.... and for some reason he's idiotic enough to think that the cruel things he did would make people love him. He could've been blinded by his worshippers, for they had loved him behind his lies. He could have thought that doing bad things like that could make people love him.

W nangis baca'a....
ga w duga Izaya bgitu ksepian :'(
Ngingetin w sama w sndiri...
W prnh ngalamin ap yg dy rasa'in...

W ngerti prasaan dy..

Klo dy bner" ad d dnia in...
W mao jd temen lo :')
*Jd pacar jg bole AHAHAHA

Asl lo jngn ngerjain orng" lg...
Mrk jg pny prasaan :')

Klo lo mao d pratiin, mo pny bnyk tmen
pake cr yg bae :')

W jg ssh dpet tmen...
Knapa kta kaga breng" aj nyari temen?? :')

Luph u... Walopun DRRR!! dah tamat...
Tp w bkalan slalu ska ma lu :)

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